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Join us for Sunday Service: In person or Worship online live Sunday at 9:30am - 11:15am via: ZOOM
Meeting ID: 884 4625 2131 Passcode: 077893 One tap mobile
Via Facebook Live:
Biblical Love 1-19-25 svcSunday Service
00:00 / 26:32
Why Men 2-2-25 svcArtist Name
00:00 / 21:40
Jesus is our High Priest1-12-25 SvcChurch Service
00:00 / 30:02
Its in Jesus Hands, Praise Anyhow 1-26-25 SvcArtist Name
00:00 / 24:04
Weekly Bible study: Wednesdays at 7Pm via: ZOOM
Meeting ID: 814 3200 4893 Passcode: 294659 One tap mobile +
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